On Monday I removed my laptop, Switch, and phone from my office.
Then, I just sat on the floor and listened to music. It took a few minutes, but I eventually got bored. My mind wandered to my project, Demonlocke, and the turned-based system I wanted to add to it.
I pulled out some sticky notes and paper and started paper prototyping the system on the floor. The paper helped me visualize all the moving pieces in the system. I opened up my computer and started implementing it.
1 hour later, the system was implemented and working perfectly with my existing systems. I felt like a genius.
“Boredom always precedes a period of great creativity” — Robert M. Pirsig
In the Steal Like an Artist book trilogy by Austin Kleon, the topic of boredom comes up a few times and is mentioned as an important ingredient for creativity.
I believe this is true, but with smartphones glued to everyone’s palms, our society rarely experiences boredom. This is a massive loss. We need to engineer environments that allow us to feel bored.
“The phone gives us a lot but it takes away three key elements of discovery: loneliness, uncertainty, and boredom. Those have always been where creative ideas come from.”
— Lynda Barry
Don’t let your digital devices rob you of the opportunity to be creative.
Get a site blocker. Put your phone out of reach. Remove anything from the room that might distract you from your work.
Then sit of the floor for 15 minutes and let yourself get bored. Let your thoughts wander. See what comes from it.
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